Monday, April 28, 2008

My Official 2008 Sucks Post

Man, what a year so far. Last week, my wife's grandfather passed away. We traveled up to Green Bay to pay respects at his funeral. That's funeral #3 so far this year. Very sad. My wife is 30, and up until last week, she still had all of her grandparents. How remarkable is that? It's difficult to keep that in mind when you lose one though. I lost all my grandparents by the time I was 24. So, at the end of the day she still has 3 left and she's 2 years younger than I am! Man, I'm jealous. (But in a good way.)

So I get home yesterday after 5 days of being over yonder...I fire up my laptop and a dismal black screen appears with the words: "Operating System Not Found." Example Oh...great...that CAN'T be good. Sure hard drive was toast. You'd think after not being used for 5 days while I was away, it'd be rearing to go, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to start the day...but no. Piece of shit. Example I lost everything. And yes, for you arm-chair IT experts out there, I did back my stuff up, but not my email or my mp3's. Freakin' sucks! I lost 4 years worth of email and 4 gig worth of mp3's! Not to mention all my bookmarks. Damn you Gateway and your junk hard drives. Just be glad I can't throw a tire through your window!

Yeah, this year sucks so far.

/Rant off.


Indiana Heckler said...

Oh Man! The drive on our home Dell took a crap yesterday....must be something in the air. Fortunately I was able to copy files before it bit the dust.

Jonathon said...

It's been a week, and I'm still suffering the effects of losing my data. Sucks. Note to self: 'back up everything!'