Friday, August 06, 2010

Under the Knife

My Camaro is in surgery.  For those that don't know me, I'm extremely anal picky about who works on my car(s).  But I'm not saying who's doing the work.  It's classified.  If I told you, I'd have to kill you.  Ever since I installed my headers, my A/C hasn't worked because of a punctured line.  That happened back in 2002.  That was one of those - oh c'mon just one more shove to the pipe in there and BAM!  PSSSSSSSS!  Oops.  There goes all my freon.  Literally gassed myself out of the garage.  That wasn't any fun.  Good thing my wife wasn't in there at the time.  Pretty sure I would've heard it about that one.  That stuff doesn't smell good.  But all that comes to an end soon, while my mechanic works to restore the line and freon to working order.  It'll be nice on the few hot days we have left for the year.  Hopefully, I'll get her back tonight in time for me to enjoy this gorgeous weather.  


prima donna said...

did Ingrid survive? I didn't see her yesterday. Oh wait, there was a slight chance for rain!