Friday, October 07, 2011

Because of Scott Kelby and Others

Spring 2005 - My Own Wedding That Started It All

My interest in photography began when we received our wedding photos back for the first time, over 6 years ago now.  I've talked about that before.  Since that time, I wanted to pursue it more and develop a skill in it.  The problem was having the time to do that.  I already worked full-time as a graphic designer and part-time as an illustrator.  Unless I was willing to give up sleep, photography, then, didn't fit into my life.  There just wasn't room.    

Winter 2009 - The News No One Wants to Hear

I was diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL) in January of that year.  Over the months that followed, treatment ensued, and I wasn't able to return to work for 9 months.  The radiation and chemo had stolen my ability to draw, write, and accomplish simple tasks.  There were days that I couldn't even button my own shirts, let alone draw something with my numb, tingling hands.  It was depressing to have something you were good at your entire life be stripped away.  Even after returning to work, my ability to draw the way I used to, hadn't returned yet.  I needed another avenue for venting my creativity.  It became clear that learning about photography was now or never.  So, I did what any husband would normally do - I turned to my wife and said, 'I want to do this, and I need you to help me.'  And she did.  My wife has this incredible ability that's both mesmerizing and maddening in the same sentence.  I'll go to her with an idea that I think is fabulous and she'll say, 'well, that's take that, plus this, and THIS, and do that instead.'  And you walk away thinking, how the hell does she do that?  My neurons just don't fire that way.  

Christmas 2009 - A Surprising Gift

I was pretty sure I was getting my Nikon that I currently use that year as a gift.  What I didn't know, was what would accompany it.  As my wife knows, if you give me the tools and the means necessary to do a job, I'll get it done, on time, and to the best of my ability.  In addition to the camera, she got me a book.  She said, 'I've talked to a lot of people about this, and if you want to learn about photography, Scott Kelby is the man to learn from.'  She handed me a copy of The Digital Photography Book, Book 1, written by Scott Kelby.  I read the book cover to cover in an evening, and then read it again the next day.  Then I went and bought Books 2 and 3 and did the same thing with those.  These books are really amazing and here's why.  They're not all techy.  I'm a show-me kind of guy.  Don't give me a book with a bunch of specs and technical garbage that I have to me how it's done.  And these books do that.  It says in there explicitly - if you want to get this kind of a shot, do this.    

2010 - Experimentation and Learning

That year was spent mostly learning.  I'd shoot whatever I could, whenever I could.  I learned about f/stops, shutter speeds, long exposures, focusing, tri-pods, and the difference between lenses.  I took my camera everywhere with me.  Even to the grocery store.  I read somewhere that a photographer's first 10,000 photos are the worst, and from there, you get better.  So, I figured I'd better get busy.  I couldn't draw, but I could push a shutter button.  And being that I was graphic designer and had been for years, my experience with Photoshop had been very familiar.  I love it.  It's my comfort program.  If there is such a thing.  It was another tool in my arsenal of graphical weapons.  Photography and Photoshop go together like Kool-Aid and sugar.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Spring 2011 - On Meeting Scott

In April, my buddy and fellow photographer, Kiely and I went to one of Scott's Light it, Shoot it, Retouch it, seminars.  If you ever get the chance to see him in action and you want to learn about the field as a whole, go to one of his seminars.  Don't think.  Just go.  He makes it fun, interesting, and keeps people passionate about photography.  We were in a room with over 400 other people and while he was talking, you could of heard a pin drop.  And when he finished, the silence was quickly diminished by the roar of applause.  I met him later that day, and he was very humble.  He wasn't too proud to take a minute and talk with me.  I admire people who do that.  In spite of their success, they don't treat you as if you're beneath them.

Autumn 2011 - Inspiration

Illustrating used to be at the forefront of my interests.  It has since taken a passenger seat, along side photography.  Not a backseat, because I still do it often enough.  And here's why.  There's no drawing I could personally draw on the planet that would replace the rewarding feeling of downloading an image from my camera and thinking, damn, I totally nailed that shot.  And I owe those continuing rewards to Scott Kelby, my wife Katie, my buddy Kiely, and several other people who have helped in my learning process.  Do yourself a favor...If you are thinking of learning photography, or you just want to look at some great photographs, look at these people listed below, and let the inspiration consume you.