No, my Christmas shopping isn't done yet. The Christmas parties are still on the schedule. My Christmas cards still aren't done, and I'm not playing 'Secret Santa' with anybody. But I'd like to take a moment and wish everyone a safe and warm holiday season. I can be hard to do when you're driving in traffic and that asshat cuts you off because he's trying to get a better parking spot at Best Buy. Or, how about when that 16 year old punk who's driving Dad's Escalade is riding your bumper so close, he can see what station your radio's on.
Yeah. It's like that.
That's why I shop online. 
This will probably be my last post of the year, but only just wait! Wait for it...
Okay...only because in January 2008, this site will look completely different. That's right. Redesign time! My wife loves it when I do this. Stay tuned. It'll be worth the wait, I promise. There's a design underway as we speak. So, look for that in the first week or two of January.
Until then, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Christmas, or how ever the hell you like to say it. 
Peace out.