Since we firmly believe in crate-training, we put her in her crate at night to sleep. Between the nervousness of being in a new home and diarrhea, none of us got much sleep the first two nights. She screamed, howled and whimpered in between 2 hour doses of sleep. But we resisted the urge to remove her from her crate. By the third night, she slept all the way through the night, and has done so ever since.
We haven't really started any obedience training yet. Our first order of business is getting her to understand what 'outside-potty' means. We have hardwood floors in our house, so fortunately, the accidents are easy to clean up. But with it being so cold outside, the last thing she's interested in doing is going outside to take a leak. (It was -3F at our house yesterday.) Ah...the joys of puppy-hood.
I hope everyone has a safe, happy holiday season.