Thanks to the chump who took my parking spot at Meijer the other day. Despite the fact that I had my turn-signal on, waiting for that spot. I used to not care about things like that, but at the end of the day, at times it can be hard for me to make a long walk like that. So I'm patient-er in finding a better spot than what's in the nosebleed section sometimes. That's okay though chump. Remind me to run you over when I come back out. You and your tattoo that's on your leg. Wait. It's 20 degrees out and I can see your leg? Wait. Oh. It's 'cause you're wearing shorts. When it's 20 degrees outside. Gee, that's smart. You're awesome...dude. Now I'm really gonna run you over.
I'm happy excited though. It's Christmas. I think my shopping is done. I'm sure there will be that - 'oh crap...I forgot about them' - gift...but oh well. That's why they created the iTunes gift card. It's for all those times when you forgot the real gift. It's the fake gift that's to the rescue. But everyone loves them. I can drop $25 on iTunes in 4.8 seconds flat. In a pear tree.
And now, a word from Maya -
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas!