In addition to my anniversary, my brother's birthday, my nephew's birthday, and my aunt's birthday all happening in the last few weeks, I sort of forgot my own little birthday. This website turned 6 years old last month. Doesn't seem like it's been that long. I'm going to have to see if I can dig out my old previous designs. That could take a pretty big shovel. I'll save that for another post. So, let me say this...
Happy Anniversary to my wife. She's been putting up with my crap for a long time. And my mud-flinging dog for that matter. I've told her a thousand times, she's the light in all my dark places.
Happy birthday to my brother, Justin. After all these years, you're still crazy. We tried to warn Amber early on, but that feat was proven fruitless.
Happy 2nd birthday to Ryan, my little tip-toed nephew. Kid's got better balance than I do.
And happy birthday to It's been a great 6 years and this site has grown tremendously in that time and continues to do so. Thank you to all my visitors, fellow bloggers, commenters, photographers, illustrators, Cardassians, Borg, Hobbits, and even Transformers. I love you all and I'm extending my respect knuckles from the chest.