Patience is a word I used to hate when I was younger. But as I've gotten older, I've realized its value. My original plan was to have the redesign to this site done already, but as you can see, that hasn't quite happened yet. But I am working on it every day. 2008 is barely three weeks old and I've already been to two funerals this year. One of which was for a close family member. I'm not used to being around that much death in that short of time. But day by day, we manage. With patience, of course.
I can honestly say that I've never heard anyone say 'Life is too long', and with good reason. My Aunt said the other day that 'life comes at you fast.' And it really does. I find myself constantly thinking about the things I've done in my life or haven't done. If I was to die tomorrow, would I be proud of those things? Would they have been enough? Everyone always assumes they have so much time left to do the things they want to do, so they spend their time working towards that. Makes sense. Except when that progress is abruptly halted by your passing on. Then what?
Take time. Take a moment. Spend it with those that you care about. Because those moments won't last forever.