That evening, I noticed a local news crew truck interviewing neighbors. It was only a matter of time before they showed up at our door, asking for comments in response to the pamphlets. We obliged. But I gotta believe that the KKK got what they were after in the end, whether it boosted their recruitment efforts or not. Think about distribute 100 or so of these know someone is going to call a news source and report it, and bam...the KKK just got free publicity all over the news stations. Now the whole damn city knows the KKK is looking for additional people.
One of the downsides to living in a subdivision.
But, I'll leave you on a good note...onto the top 9 of 2006....
#3 The Prestige -
Oh yeah...bitchin' movie.
For a different perspective on the crap in our driveway, you can check out my blog.
Ahhh...the joys of suburban life.
I'm just getting used to it me-self.
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