Thursday, December 18, 2008

The New Girl

After months of discussion, my wife and I decided that it was time to get a another dog. Meet Maya. (Pronounced My-uh.) She's a full-bred, 10 week old Yellow Labrador. We picked her up last Tuesday night from a breeder in southeast Indiana. No, we didn't get her because of the book or upcoming movie 'Marley and Me.' I've always wanted a female Yellow Labrador for years. In fact, reading the book almost deterred me from getting one! Great book, nonetheless.

Since we firmly believe in crate-training, we put her in her crate at night to sleep. Between the nervousness of being in a new home and diarrhea, none of us got much sleep the first two nights. She screamed, howled and whimpered in between 2 hour doses of sleep. But we resisted the urge to remove her from her crate. By the third night, she slept all the way through the night, and has done so ever since.

We haven't really started any obedience training yet. Our first order of business is getting her to understand what 'outside-potty' means. We have hardwood floors in our house, so fortunately, the accidents are easy to clean up. But with it being so cold outside, the last thing she's interested in doing is going outside to take a leak. (It was -3F at our house yesterday.) Ah...the joys of puppy-hood.

I hope everyone has a safe, happy holiday season.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Tutorial Video for Illustrator CS3

Do you ever get freaked out when you hear a recording of your own voice? I used to. That is, until I manned up and just dealt with it. After an unexpected huge amount of feedback on the inking video I made earlier this year, I decided to make a tutorial video showing exactly how it's done. This, of course, required the use of my voice as narration to provide tips and instruction. Once I got past the initial reaction of 'oh my gosh, that's how I sound?' factor, it seemed to work out okay.

I had some issues with my screen-recording software in that, it was difficult to get it to capture the right amount of frames per second, and the adjustment of the playback in frames per second. As a result, sometimes you'll see the narration not exactly line up with the what's going on the video. But, you get the overall idea.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Last week, my good friend Matt Martin put out a new Snowman book and an art book. The art book was more of a showcase of Matt's work over the last few years. Some of you may remember earlier this year, Matt gave me a comic page that he had done in pencil. He wanted to see how my inks, using Illustrator CS3 would look over his pencil work. I'm pleased to say that, that inked page ended up published in his art book, which was released last week. So, that makes two works published inside two decades for me. Whew, I'm moving now! That page is also in my illustration gallery.

So...special thanks goes to Matt for including that in his book and giving me the opportunity to ink his work. We hope to do more work together in the future as well. For more on Matt, click my 'friends' link at the top and visit his website.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Audrey Hepburn

Near the end of September, I started this drawing with the intent of giving it to my wife on her birthday. Her birthday was last Friday, the 7th, and I did finish the work on that day and gave it to her. She loved it, which was a relief. It's so hard sometimes to break yourself out of what you've been working on for so long, and give it an objective second look. Perhaps with time, that objectivity will come to me, I don't know.

I've always wanted to draw her something special, as I really haven't done so in the past. I know, right? My wife married an artist...ew, I hate that word...and I haven't really drawn her anything in 8 years. Hard to believe, but it's true. However, that is no longer the case.

This drawing is all pencil and took a boat-load of hours and lead to complete. If I'm remembering correctly, I think refilled my lead pencil twice throughout the course of its progress. But, it's done and I can finally share it with the rest of you. Below is also a progress collage of what it looked like coming together.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Reviewed: The Incredible Hulk

See my review of the Incredible Hulk in the film and tv blog!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

So, it's Halloween and yet most of the stores around town seem to think it's already Christmas. I was under the impression that Christmas wasn't until after Thanksgiving, but hey, whatever. Just skip right past my favorite holiday of the year! That's okay! But, in all seriousness, have a great safe...and get fat on a bunch of candy.

In other news...apparently my digital inking video on Youtube is a hit. I didn't see that one coming. I've gotten a lot of emails and comments regarding how I did that, what my settings were, etc. I may add a tutorial video soon to help with some of those questions. But for all those who commented or emailed me, thank you. I've tried to respond promptly to everyone and I think have.

More to come. Have a great weekend....

Monday, October 06, 2008

Planet Earth (Reviewed)

See my review of the television series, Planet Earth in my film and tv blog!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Smoke Needs a Destination

Everyone's heard of writer's block. And if you haven't, well, seriously, hand me that newspaper and I school you with an abrupt whack to the temple. I think I have thinker's block. If that's even a real thing...which I'm 90% sure it isn't. Just let me humor you. I want to write, but I don't know what I want to write. I want to draw, but I don't know what to draw. I have lots of ideas on what to write and draw, I just can't decide on the most important one!

My thoughts lately are acting like smoke from a cigar. At the beginning, it's real pungent, or defined. Eventually it leads to another stream of smoke and then another, and another, before it finally dissipates into...yes, you guessed it! Nothing. I'm excited about a lot of things in that swirling mass of smoke in my head. But I can't seem to find the cherry. (That's smoker-lingo for actual burning ambers that the smoke burns from.) I suppose if I found that, I could start...something. Either that, or I just need to pick one thing and do it, right? I draw a little. I write all the freakin' time. Hell, I've even written a book. So, what's my problem? Lack of creativity? Nope. Lack of inspiration? Hmm, maybe. Bottom line: Smoke needs a destination. My thoughts need to land somewhere, and not dissipate like my metaphorical reference material. The question is how do I do that?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Little Face-lift and Memories

I just returned from my vacation in the UP of Michigan and it's back to reality again quickly, I'm afraid. I really hate it when a good vacation goes by so fast, and you look back wondering if you savored the moments enough. I certainly didn't. We rode about 150 miles or so on our quads, petted a bear cub at a Bear Ranch, drank more than usual, smoked way too many cigarettes, paid too much for gas, and I still have the receipts to prove it. Amidst the mud, colder temperatures and campfire madness, there was a good time had by all...this I'm sure of. Below is a collage of photos my sister put together in the last few days...

Center Photo, From Left: Alex, Justin, Kiely, pronounced Keel-ee, myself, and Jennifer.

You might have also noticed a little change in the scenery around here too. After what seemed like months of coloring, which was really just a few weeks, I finally finished the coloring on my Marilyn Monroe piece. Yes, that's really her to the left...just so there's no confusion. I darkened the backgrounds too just make things look more edgy-er.

Every now and then at work, I get a request to do something fun without any creative boundaries. Stemming from that, came a design for the current '08 ND Football Season. No, it doesn't have Danica's pretty face splattered all over it, but you get the idea.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

New Film Review

See X-files - I Want to Believe reviewed in my film blog.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Digital Coloring Video

I apologize for the lack of posts, but I've been trying to get this piece done. I've been spending a lot of time honing my coloring skills and as a result, it's taken me a while to finish. (And it's still not done.) Not to mention it's a rather daunting experience just simply knowing your work is being recorded.

I have discovered that with the exception of water, trying to color human skin is one of the most difficult things to master. But with practice, I'm getting better. It's not so much a problem with shading or highlights, but more with actually which colors to use. And I don't care what anyone says, using photo-reference does help, but it's not full-proof. Two things that have really helped me in the last few weeks is having learned how to add 'warmth' to human skin, as well as using a non-white background to work from. Together, they help change the dynamic of the drawing and make it look more realistic, and not so flat and cartoony.

Some day, I hope to have the confidence to be able to record coloring a piece entirely from start to finish. That's my goal - someday. 'Till then, you can enjoy this clip...

(Previous inking video - click here)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Remembering Michael Turner

I remember the first time I came across a piece of art drawn by Michael Turner. At the time, I hadn't bought a comic book since high school. I kept up with certain story lines by reading stuff about the characters online, but beyond that, I had pretty much disconnected myself from that universe. That is, until I saw Turner's version of the Flash. It rejuvenated my interest in the genre. I thought, holy crap, you CAN make comic characters look cool again! From that point on, I bought up everything I could that he had done, including the Superman/Batman series that brought back Supergirl. He died this past weekend of cancer at the age of 37.

The art world has truly lost a wonderful creator.

News link found here.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Inking Marilyn

I've gone and become a part of the youtube community. This is a short video I made showing how I ink using a Wacom Tablet in Illustrator CS3. It's time lapsed so it moves along pretty quick, but you get the general idea. I won't be inking every detail because the drawing will eventually be colored. So, the majority of pencils left behind will be compensated with shades of color and gradients. I'll probably be posting 3 parts to this project in all. So stay tuned for more...Enjoy.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Beautiful People Series #2

I chose to draw Chris and Dana Reeve, just because. Because. Yes. That's my answer. What they were able to accomplish in their lifetimes is remarkable. I remember seeing Chris's portrayal of Superman when I was a boy and that has stuck with me for years. We were all saddened when the news of his accident spread around the world. But, instead of letting his misfortune get the better of him, he moved on. He moved forward. With his wife Dana by his side, they formed The Christopher and Dana Reeve foundation to help raise money for research in paralysis.

I thought I was never going to finish this one. *wipes forehead* Those of you that might have seen my first posting of this on my Deviantart site, might notice some changes. Originally, Chris's pupils were much larger and very unbecoming of him. I thought I was close to completion at that point, but after changing his eyes, I just kept going. A week later, here it is, finished. I honestly could spend hours more on Dana's hair, but I need to limit myself and move on to other things.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Film Reviewed! [Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull]

See my review to the latest Indy movie in my film and tv blog...

Friday, May 16, 2008


I was asked recently to design a banner featuring Danica Patrick for a few friends of mine that are going down to the Indianapolis 500 next weekend. So, naturally I was obliged to cooperate. *wink-wink* I think it turned out okay. I didn't have a lot of control on which pictures to use, as most of them were already picked out. The design is a little busy, but overall I think it works and they were happy with it.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

New Film Review! [Iron Man]

See my review of IRON MAN in my film/tv blog...

Monday, April 28, 2008

My Official 2008 Sucks Post

Man, what a year so far. Last week, my wife's grandfather passed away. We traveled up to Green Bay to pay respects at his funeral. That's funeral #3 so far this year. Very sad. My wife is 30, and up until last week, she still had all of her grandparents. How remarkable is that? It's difficult to keep that in mind when you lose one though. I lost all my grandparents by the time I was 24. So, at the end of the day she still has 3 left and she's 2 years younger than I am! Man, I'm jealous. (But in a good way.)

So I get home yesterday after 5 days of being over yonder...I fire up my laptop and a dismal black screen appears with the words: "Operating System Not Found." Example Oh...great...that CAN'T be good. Sure hard drive was toast. You'd think after not being used for 5 days while I was away, it'd be rearing to go, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to start the day...but no. Piece of shit. Example I lost everything. And yes, for you arm-chair IT experts out there, I did back my stuff up, but not my email or my mp3's. Freakin' sucks! I lost 4 years worth of email and 4 gig worth of mp3's! Not to mention all my bookmarks. Damn you Gateway and your junk hard drives. Just be glad I can't throw a tire through your window!

Yeah, this year sucks so far.

/Rant off.

Monday, April 21, 2008

New Film Review

My review of Sweeney Todd has been posted.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Beautiful People

I've decided to draw some new illustrations in a series called, Beautiful People. There's so much ugliness in the world around us, and sometimes it gets difficult to sort through the muck to see that there is beauty that still exists out there. What I mean is the beauty in people. Or, on people, for that matter.

The first, is none other than Marilyn Monroe. I've had a few people ask me, why her? Why Marilyn? I think she was the mold that forged female celebrities into who they are today. Everyone knows who she was, and respected her beauty. No one ever really remembers how they came to know of her, they just do. I think she was a terribly misunderstood, beautiful person.

I won't reveal who I'm drawing next yet. But it should get interesting.

Also, Part II of the my interview with Kate Beckinsale is now in the 'Bio' section.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Lightbox Integrated

Yesterday I updated my Illustration and Photography galleries with Lightbox. I'm finding from different sites I visit around the net, that this effect is becoming more popular. So I decided to try it for a while with my galleries. It's an effect that, to me, eases navigation through pages that house a lot of images. Once you click the thumbnail for the full image, it opens the full size image in a 'floating' window that shadows the rest of page. Once the image is loaded, you're able to click 'prev' or 'next' to navigate through the rest of them. It's nice because it does allow me to add a description at the bottom of the image as well, which is something I've always struggled with. Remarkably, it was very easy to do. I did it by adding some Javascript in the HTML pages. You can add it to your own page if you like. Just go here for the instructions. And it works in Internet Exploder too.

I did have to slightly modify my code to get it to do exactly what I wanted it to, but it wasn't difficult at all. Originally, the 'prev' and 'next' links are hidden until you rollover them with the mouse. I changed mine so they show up all the time. I found that if didn't do that, it kind of left the visitor going 'now what do I do?'

I'm still putting a lot of work into this site. To me, it still takes too long to load, so I am working on that issue. More to come soon, including part II of the interview with Kate Beckinsale!

Monday, March 31, 2008

New Film Reviewed...

See my review of I am Legend in my film and tv blog...

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Alrighty...Let's see...I posted a film review of 10,000 B.C. in the 'Film/tv blog.' Most of my drawings are back up. Including a new project I worked on with my buddy Matt Martin a few weeks ago. I also updated the 'Friends' section with a few new ones as well. In addition, I've updated the 'Bio' section with a new format. I won't ruin the surprise for you. Check it out for yourself!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Redesign '08

Finally, I was able to get this going again. *Wipes forehead* Man, CSS code can sure be a rotten bitch sometimes. The site still has a few issues I'm working on. For some reason, it's not displaying in Internet Explorer. Figures, it'd be the crap browser everyone uses. It does however, work fine in Firefox and Netscape.

You might notice that some of my content is missing. I'm still working on that. I also have a few NEW drawings to post, and I plan to get that done sometime in the next 24 hours. I still have some of my older works I need to publish too. So bear with's coming.

There's also a new section for film and television reviews. Want to know what I'm watching and what I think of it? Well, now you can.

I will be posting pretty regularly again, now that the bulk of getting this site up is done. So come back soon...



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rough Start

Patience is a word I used to hate when I was younger. But as I've gotten older, I've realized its value. My original plan was to have the redesign to this site done already, but as you can see, that hasn't quite happened yet. But I am working on it every day. 2008 is barely three weeks old and I've already been to two funerals this year. One of which was for a close family member. I'm not used to being around that much death in that short of time. But day by day, we manage. With patience, of course.

I can honestly say that I've never heard anyone say 'Life is too long', and with good reason. My Aunt said the other day that 'life comes at you fast.' And it really does. I find myself constantly thinking about the things I've done in my life or haven't done. If I was to die tomorrow, would I be proud of those things? Would they have been enough? Everyone always assumes they have so much time left to do the things they want to do, so they spend their time working towards that. Makes sense. Except when that progress is abruptly halted by your passing on. Then what?

Take time. Take a moment. Spend it with those that you care about. Because those moments won't last forever.