Monday, November 10, 2008

Audrey Hepburn

Near the end of September, I started this drawing with the intent of giving it to my wife on her birthday. Her birthday was last Friday, the 7th, and I did finish the work on that day and gave it to her. She loved it, which was a relief. It's so hard sometimes to break yourself out of what you've been working on for so long, and give it an objective second look. Perhaps with time, that objectivity will come to me, I don't know.

I've always wanted to draw her something special, as I really haven't done so in the past. I know, right? My wife married an artist...ew, I hate that word...and I haven't really drawn her anything in 8 years. Hard to believe, but it's true. However, that is no longer the case.

This drawing is all pencil and took a boat-load of hours and lead to complete. If I'm remembering correctly, I think refilled my lead pencil twice throughout the course of its progress. But, it's done and I can finally share it with the rest of you. Below is also a progress collage of what it looked like coming together.