Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Redesign '08

Finally, I was able to get this going again. *Wipes forehead* Man, CSS code can sure be a rotten bitch sometimes. The site still has a few issues I'm working on. For some reason, it's not displaying in Internet Explorer. Figures, it'd be the crap browser everyone uses. It does however, work fine in Firefox and Netscape.

You might notice that some of my content is missing. I'm still working on that. I also have a few NEW drawings to post, and I plan to get that done sometime in the next 24 hours. I still have some of my older works I need to publish too. So bear with me...it's coming.

There's also a new section for film and television reviews. Want to know what I'm watching and what I think of it? Well, now you can.

I will be posting pretty regularly again, now that the bulk of getting this site up is done. So come back soon...




Matt Martin said...

Looks great!

Indiana Heckler said...

Congratulations! Site looks super! Keep those ALT tags comin!