Some of you may recall last year I made some tutorial videos in Photoshop and Illustrator. Those videos have generated a huge response on the net from viewers. Between the three videos I posted, they've drawn nearly 70,000 views and attracted about 120 subscribers. I would've never imagined the success involved with this. With that said, I wish to thank everyone who viewed them or commented on them. I'm glad I was able to help out in some way. I hope to do more in the future as I discover things for myself as well.
Thank you!
The videos can be found here:
I'm also working on a complete redesign for this site. I'm hoping it'll happen very soon...but it'll depend on how much free time my wife has to help. So stay tuned for that.
See my review of the film Paranormal Activity in my film/tv blog! [No film ruining spoilers.]
See my review in my film/tv blog now...
It's hard to believe but my dog Maya turned one year old last Thursday. She's done remarkably well, I think, although my wife may beg to differ. Maya listens pretty well for the most part, but she is still very much a puppy. She craves attention constantly and sometimes gets carried away in the house playing with our other dog, Austin. I guess that's what I love about dogs - all they want is your love and care. They don't need money for gas. They don't need the latest fashions, and they don't need a new car to ride around in. Dogs are always so excited when their owners come home. It makes their day. We as humans have become so accustomed to growing our accumulation of wealth by buying cars, bigger houses and jewelry. But we never stop to think about our dogs. All the payment they want is attention. And I'll gladly pay it. Dogs rule.
I beat it! My Leukemia is in remission and we all hope that it stays that way! I have returned to work part time as well. More information can be found on my Leukemia blog linked in my previous post. I hope to be posting more here about regular stuff and movies. More to come...
For those that don't know, on January 21st, I was diagnosed with Leukemia. This was a shock to me, as well as my family. Everyone I know has been incredibly supportive and I'm truly blessed to have such a tremendous amount of support, love and contributions. My wife and I have created a blog that we will use as a daily outlet for updates concerning my condition. That can be found here.
I don't know when I'll return to posting normally here, but I plan to return. It's only a matter of time.
I can beat this.
I will beat this.
I will win.
Jonathon out.
See my review of Valkyrie in my Film/TV blog!