Monday, December 14, 2009

Special Thanks to Youtube & Friends

Some of you may recall last year I made some tutorial videos in Photoshop and Illustrator. Those videos have generated a huge response on the net from viewers. Between the three videos I posted, they've drawn nearly 70,000 views and attracted about 120 subscribers. I would've never imagined the success involved with this. With that said, I wish to thank everyone who viewed them or commented on them. I'm glad I was able to help out in some way. I hope to do more in the future as I discover things for myself as well.

Thank you!

The videos can be found here:




I'm also working on a complete redesign for this site. I'm hoping it'll happen very soon...but it'll depend on how much free time my wife has to help. So stay tuned for that.


primadonna said...

I watched your videos. The lighting in the porn shots could be better, but I know you are working on it.